Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mission for Annalee Cakes

GOAL:             100 cakes

Sold to date:     50 cakes

The Mission for Annalee Cake fundraiser at Thanksgiving was such a success that we have decided to continue baking cakes throughout the duration of our adoption!
Cake sales will have certain targeted times we will be actively selling...Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines Day, Easter, etc. However, we can bake one of our cakes for just a birthday, reunions, parties, etc.
If you are just checking out our cakes here is what you need to know:
To order please email us at with the cake type and date that you need the cake. We are asking for you to give us at least a 48 hour notice.
Cake types are: Chocolate, Toasted Coconut, Red Velvet & Spice
The cakes are 9" and 2 layers and cost only $15.00 each!
To date we have sold 24 cakes and we have orders for many more for the Christmas season...Thanks for your support and we hope that you enjoy each bite!

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