Today I am trying to look at this world, people, hurts, unknown, illness, challenges...all within my capacity for understanding, my limited realm of knowledge when God's plan is infinite, beyond my human ability to understand the grand design, the master plan.
A very wise friend told me today that we can go through life asking the "why" and miss living all He has for us. I was cut down to size. Today I complained about a sunburn, wondered how many more phone calls I would have to answer and stood at the baseball field thinking how quickly I wish it would pass so I could return to the air conditioning.
Who am I to complain, to wish the time away that I can't get back. Shame on me. There are mothers that would stand through any heat to see their kids play ball, but never can/will. There are some people that would be happy to have a job, even if the phone never seems to stop ringing. There are some people that have pain daily that won't get better in a few days with some aloe and TLC.
So tonight I sit and ponder how our God could use us with our limited capacity for gratitude and often need for adjustmet of attitude. Tonight I pray and cannot even begin to understand His infinite plan. I hope that somehow I will be the wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend that I need to be for those in my life that are in need, that are facing challenges that I cannot fix and cannot erase from their lives.
Tonight I am so thankful that although that even when we so often do not understand, God is there beside us willing to guide, willing to use us, willing to help us take each step in faith.
My family, my friends, those that God may have brought into my path but for a moment, but laid you on my heart to pray....know that although often I do not understand, may not have the right words or any words to say that can make it better...I am here, I am praying, but better yet He is here and He is listening and He will be faithful through it all.
There are four people heavy on my heart tonight....although you do not know their names or stories, they all face challenges for which I do not know if I could bear, they face many unknowns in their future, and some are at a critical crossroad in their life and faith. I ask that you lift them in prayer that God will be apparent to them in a special way this week and in the days to come in their lives!
Have a blessed week!
The Ragsdale Family
5 years ago
I have checked your blog a couple of times and have seen your posts on the forum. We are in Bowling Green, KY and couldn't help noticing that you are also in KY and have two boys like us. Where are you located in KY? Would love to chat. Thanks Cindy